Roman Kroke perceives art as a social catalyst. The experiences of his personal artistic projects shall therefore also serve as a trigger to multiply the interdisciplinary discourse in other parts of society: Throughout Europe he develops, directs and coordinates workshops in partnership with universities, foundations, memorial sites, museums, schools etc. – amongst others in the context of scientific colloquiums, cultural exchange programs, study tours or project weeks. Recent publication (project at five historical sites in Germany, France, Spain and Italy): PDF. He also provides teacher trainings for the national ministries of education in France, Germany and Switzerland. According to the preferences of his partners Kroke works in English, German or French.

Orientation: interdisciplinary workshops (art, science, history, technology, literature, philosophy), adapted to the respective age-group and backgrounds of the participants. Roman Kroke has been realizing workshops for university students of diverse disciplines (visuual communication, fine arts, architecture, fashion design, communication in social and economic contexts, dance, music, litterature, …), for highschool students, teachers, university professors, refugees, prisoners, …

For workshops to be held in Berlin, Kroke offers an emblematic location as a working space: a former industrial complex – now an Art Center – which, during the Cold War, was actually PART of the Berlin Wall – a so-called “frontier house” where still today you can discover many traces of the formerly divided city of Berlin. Please click on the following thematic icons to receive detailed information about each topic:


Microplastics & Chameleons

Pacific Ocean Expedition


Women’s Biographies

Icons in history
and the present


The S@ndcastle

Big Data, ChatGTP
Social Media


Microplastic & Medusae

Scientific research on plastic
pollution of the oceans

Microplastic et Meduses

The Berlin Wall

The universal metaphor of
the FRONTIER (1961-∞)


Etty Hillesum

The diaries of a Dutch
Jew (1914-∞)

Etty Hillesum

Cold War 2.0

Cyberwar, Climate Change, Multinational Corporations

The NEW Cold Wars

Immigrant students

and “welcoming classes”






Topics proposed by
the customer

Customized Workshops

Prison Workshops


Teacher Training


Teacher 1

The children of Izieu

My House of Remembrance


The Weavers

The Canvas of the World

Les Tisserands

Adolf Reichwein

The Dance of Resistance



My memorial tree


Friedrich Spee

Witch hunts & Cybermobbing

Workshop Friedrich Spee

The Vel’ d’Hiv’ Roundup

The biography of
Sarah Lichtsztejn-Montard

La Rafle du Vél' d'Hiv

The White Rose

Hans and Sophie Scholl
“Our Idea”(1942-∞)

The White Rose

The Camp des Milles

Art and Resistance
L. Feuchtwanger, M. Ernst, etc.


The Bielski Brothers

Jewish partisan group
in Belarus (1941-1944)

Bielski Brothers

Art-Philosophy Workhshops

für Kinder

Children's Stories

Apart from the already established topics Roman Kroke also elaborates workshop concepts for other topics (open to suggestions by the cooperation partner). Example: In 2012, as part of an International Faculty Development Seminar organized by the CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange) Kroke accompanied a group of US university and college professors for one week to Cracow (Poland) and Berlin (Germany) and led a concluding reflection workshop for the participants about the topics treated during the study travel (individual and collective identity, cultures of commemoration etc.). This successful workshop-model was again part of the annual CIEE seminar in the following years (2013-2016).


« Prix Ilan Halimi contre les discriminations et l’antisémitisme » by the Conseil général de l’Essonne (prize: 10.000,-€): distinction of a school project of the Collège Charles Péguy (Palaiseau/France) with an interdisciplinary workshop by Roman Kroke about the topic “Art & Resistance”, February 2014; « Grand prix Hippocrène de l’éducation à l’Europe 2012 » by the Foundation Hippocrène in the European Parliament (prize: 10.000,-€): distinction of the bilateral exchange program between the French Gymnasium Aristide Maillol (Perpignan/France) and the John F. Kennedy School (Berlin/Germany) with a workshop by Roman Kroke about the diaries of Etty Hillesum (1914-1943); Kroke’s workshops have also repeatedly been distinguished by the Berlin Senate Department for Education, Youth and Science in so-called “best-practice” exhibitions for their innovative approach and role-model qualities. The foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ) sponsored the German and English publication of the edition “ART GOES EDUCATION – international school workshops by Roman Kroke” (Mediel, 2012).