Roman Kroke
Interdisciplinary Artist
3.-4. August 2016
“Refugees got Talent” | Storytelling-Workshop, Brussels (Belgium)
Interdisciplinary Storytelling-Workshop for the organization “Refugees got talent” – concept & direction by Roman Kroke. Location: « Château-Ferme de Baya » (Belgium), August 2016. Participants from Iraq and Azerbaijan, at home in different genres of art (painting, music, acting, sculpture, calligraphy, graffiti, …). – As artists we are all “storytellers”. Telling stories in a realistic or abstract way, through colors, music, poetry, voice, photos, acting, … Throughout our life we will always be searching for new facets to integrate into our storytelling. To keep our art – our love for art – alive, dynamic and fresh. In the first part of the workshop, the participants explored the metaphorical dimensions of one of the oldest mediums of storytelling: the book. What symbolism have humans throughout the centuries, from most different cultures and regions of the world (Persian, Chinese, Russian, Egyptian, South American, European …) associated with the universe of books, pages, libraries, …? How could these metaphors be transformed into artistic creations (drawings, paintings, sculptures, music, …)? In the second part of the workshop, every participant was free to experiment with these new concepts of storytelling by creating an artwork of his/her choice.