Roman Kroke
Interdisciplinary Artist
20 September 2020
VIDEOCONFERENCE: Evangelische Akademie Loccum (Germany)
As part of the online conference “The Future of the Oceans”, Roman Kroke presents his artistic works on the topic of “Plastic Pollution of the Oceans, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development”. Organiser: Evangelische Akademie Loccum (DE).
The articipants will learn about Kroke’s artistic approach “process art” – work in process – and how he is developping his metaphors (drawings, installations, photos, readymades) based on his last two research trips: Freediving with whale sharks at the Pintuyan Research Station (Philippines) in cooperation with marine biologists from the organisation LAMAVE (Jan-Feb 2020), and his expedition across the Pacific Ocean on the German research vessel SONNE (May-July 2019).
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